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Gold: High Performance Elite

Age: 13+

Group Dynamics: This group, composed of our top 13 and older athletes, prepares swimmers for competition at Sectionals, Junior Nationals, Olympic Trials and above.We emphasize the connection between goal setting and supporting those goals daily through training performance and life choices. This group has individualized stroke instruction given to each athlete, dryland workouts, and a focus on commitment. Members of this group bond with one another during shared experiences of training, racing, and learning to support one another in working toward their goals. Being able to rely on one another as teammates promotes respect, a family environment, and a strong support network when competing in high-level meets.

Entrance into group: Commitment to attend a minimum 30 practices a month to train with the Gold group. Entrance to this group is by invitation by the head coach based upon a swimmer’s performance in the Silver Group including workout attendance and commitment to achieving the goals they’ve set for themselves. Swimmers must be able to workout at Gold group training intervals with a minimum of adaptation.

Training Frequency: 1.5 - 2 hours per practice, 9 to 11x per week, (including dry land sessions)

Yards: 6,500 - 8,000

Equipment: swim cap, regular swimsuit for practice, technical racing suit for swim meets, goggles, hand paddles, pull buoy, fins kickboard, swim drag parachute, and a water bottle, all contained within a mesh bag.

Move up requirements: We work with athletes at this level to achieve specific competition advancement or college team placement requirements.

Price: $175/mo

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