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Service Points Policy

The success of RPC is dependent on the participation of all families. We host several meets each year as well as social events, all of which require many hours of work. We have a Service Points Policy requiring families to take an active role in their child’s swimming, which means each family will be responsible for the operation of our swim club. WE NEED YOU TO PARTICIPATE!

The seasonal service point commitment is based on a set number of points determined by a swimmer's practice group placement. The points commitment may vary from season to season based on whether the season includes a home meet or other labor intensive event. Job sign-ups and points tracking is performed through the team website. A family member must sign in on a check-in sheet prior to each session to receive credit for those hours/points.

As a general rule of thumb, one point = one hour. 

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Each family is to complete their Service Points per season or will be billed for any points owed at the end of the season.

Seasons are as follows:

The billing rate is $30 per point for any points “owed” to the team as of the last day of each season. Unmet service points will be billed during the first week of the following season (1/1, 5/1, 9/1) along with other outstanding fees. If the family requirement is fulfilled, then no additional dollars are “owed” to the team. Excess points are not carried over to the following season or year. The billing rate for incomplete service hours at the end of each season will be $30 per point owed.

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Fall Service Points by Group 

Please see the following table for your family's Service Point obligation per season. If a family has more than one swimmer on the team, the Service Point commitment is determined by the swimmer in the highest level practice group.

Practice Group Service Points*
Gold 15
Silver 15
Age Group A 10
Age Group B 10
Novice 6
Pre-Competition 2

*Single parent families or families with a disabled parent may be eligible for a reduced points commitment. Please see the club admin if this is a concern.

Winter Service Points by Group

Please see the following table for your family's Service Point obligation per season. If a family has more than one swimmer on the team, the Service Point commitment is determined by the swimmer in the highest level practice group.

Practice Group Service Points*
Gold 7
Silver 7
Age Group A 5
Age Group B 5
Novice 3
Pre-Competition 2

*Single parent families or families with a disabled parent may be eligible for a reduced points commitment. Please see the club admin if this is a concern.

How can my family earn Service Points?

There are several ways a family can earn their service points: 

  1. Come pull pool covers! We need help pushing reels, helping kids pull covers at 6 pm (1 lane) and 6:30 pm or before morning workouts during the winter months Nov-April.
  2. Volunteering at RPC hosted swim meets 
  3. Sign up to time at swim meets we don’t host but are required to provide timers fo. (be sure to notify us of your event hours)

For more information see our Meet Volunteer Positions page

Club Operations & Committee Positions

Many of the positions require a year-long commitment or are more time intensive. These positions include Swim-A-Tron Chairperson, Hospitality Coordinator, Concessions Coordinator, Administrative Coordinator, and Banquet Chairperson as well as other positions. Individuals who volunteer for one of the year-long, annual positions typically meet their family service hour requirement following the completion of their position..

The success of RPC is dependent on the participation of all families. Each family's time and efforts is essential to the team's ability to host a variety of meets and events each season. There are ample opportunities to volunteer throughout the year in a variety of ways so no family should owe points at the end of the season. If you have questions regarding the service points commitment, please email [email protected]

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What if I can't be of service at the meets?

First keep in mind that you or your athlete can volunteer at meets they are not competing at! As a final option, in addition to the positions needed at meets, there are a number of other ways you can help including:

  • Donating gift cards from Safeway, Walmart or Costco, which are used to help offset the costs involved with the meets. Gift cards are credited towards service points at a rate of $20/point. Gift cards can be donated at any time. Please make sure that they are given to a staff person in a sealed envelope with your athlete's name and the gift card receipt.
  • Helping prepare meals for hospitality prior to and/or during a meet. This involves working with one of our volunteer coordinators prior to the meet to confirm what needs to be prepared, when it needs to be delivered, etc. Service points are given for the prep time as well as for any costs if you choose to purchase the food. If you are interested in helping prepare food for one of the events listed above, please email [email protected]
  • Help obtain a sponsor. There are opportunities for businesses to purchase a program ad, donate goods for hospitality, and other unique sponsorship opportunities! If you know of a company, restaurant, or other organization that may be interested in becoming a sponsor please email [email protected]
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