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Before You Register

Before you register, an evaluation with one of our coaches will be required for placement. Schedule with Coach Jodi at [email protected]

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How to Register

Get Started

From the home page (sedonaracepace.com), click the yellow register now button in the top of the right-hand column.

Section 1: Personal Information

Once you click the REGISTER NOW BUTTON, you can begin putting info in the form about your family and your athlete.

If you’ve previously registered, the system will preload your information. Please check it for accuracy and update.

Parent information

In this section, please register all family members of junior high age or older who plan to participate in swim team activities such as service hours, team events, helping with meets, and attending awards banquets. They do not have to receive team communications or have access to your account. This helps us credit you with the correct number of service hours for your family. It also gives us an accurate count of how many people to prepare for at banquets and other events using the system’s rsvp function.

  1. Add all parents, step parents, and other participating family members who are junior high age or older by clicking the “Add another Parent/Guardian” button (yellow).
  2. Opt out of email for any additional family members should they not wish to receive them by unchecking the “Send team-wide email to this address.” They will receive only a confirmation email that they are in the system as well as confirmation of any service hours they wish to work.


IMPORTANT: At least one parent must elect to receive team communications. We will send emails with meet flyers, newsletters and other need-to-know info.

We also communicate blasts through WhatsApp. This might include practice being canceled due to a pool closure or other important info you need to know right away. Make sure to add the app to your phone and provide the phone numbers associated with the account during registration so we can add you to the group. We will add the numbers that are opting in for team communications during registration.

Volunteer Yes or No

At least one person from each family must be registered to perform service hours. If you’ve registered Junior high or older non-swimming siblings, grandparents, aunts & uncles to help with service hours, make sure that the checkbox for volunteering is checked behind their name.

Athlete Info

Athlete name: The athlete’s name needs to be the exact name that’s on their birth certificate for USA Swimming purposes.

Preferred name: Please also enter the preferred name your swimmer goes by so we know what to call them, and can easily match our attendance records to the swimmers in the water.

  • It helps your swimmer feel more comfortable right away when they’re not being called by their formal name. It’s natural to feel anxious the first day of swimming, so coaches want to make them feel at ease right from the start.
  • We take daily attendance and It gets very confusing when a swimmer has one name on paper and the roll-taker is trying to figure out who is who.

Monthly Club Dues

Please indicate whether you prefer to be invoiced monthly or pay the entire season (5% discount)

Additional Info

These questions help us accurately place and prepare for your athlete.

Ability to swim

Being placed in the wrong group can negatively affect a child’s enjoyment of their swim practice. Your child’s swim level also affects your monthly club dues. Make sure you’ve gotten a swim evaluation from Coach Jodi so we can be completely accurate in both regards.


It’s crucial to know if your child has any problems with learning, mobility, hearing, vision, or any other physical problems so our coaching staff can make any accommodations and help your swimmer experience enjoyment and success in the water.


Make sure each of these are initialed or the system won’t let you proceed to the next page. Contact the club admin if you have any questions.

  • Liability & Waiver -
  • Photography
  • Rules Regs & Code of Conduct
  • Covid waiver
  • Service Points Policy

Click NEXT STEP to go to the next page

Section 2: Athlete Groups

Being placed in the wrong group can negatively affect a child’s enjoyment of their swim practice. Your child’s swim level also affects your monthly club dues. Make sure you’ve gotten a swim evaluation from Coach Jodi so we can be completely accurate in both regards.

Click on the image above to access additional info for the training groups. Link will open in a separate page. 

Click NEXT STEP to go to the next page

Section 3: Medical

Have your Medical Insurance Card and Physician’s info ready, as well as names and contact information for any emergency contacts.

In this section, you will

  • Authorize consent for medical treatment
  • Disclose medical conditions
  • Provide the medical insurance info
  • Provide your physician’s info
  • Provide at least 1 emergency contact

Click NEXT STEP to go to the next page

Section 4: Service

Service Points Policy

Please read the Service Points Policy. It’s crucial that each family understand what this entails so that together, we can experience success as a team.

Volunteer Preferences

To help us place each individual in the most fulfilling roles where they can serve, please select 3 preferences for each family member and rank them from 1 to 3 in the order of preference.

This helps us get to know you and your interests.

Section 5: Merchandise

Your swimmer’s registration includes some team merchandise to wear at meets.

Team Gear

Choose your swimmer’s T-Shirt Size from the button on the right. Make sure whether you’re choosing adult or youth size to ensure your swimmer gets the right fit

Section 6 - Payment

RPC Registration Fees

This payment is for the team registration and City of Sedona Pool Use Fee. USA Swimming registration and monthly Club dues are not included in this payment.

  • If you have a coupon code, enter it and click APPLY.

Section 7: Confirmation

This page will tell you whether your swimmer is currently a member in good standing with USA Swimming. If your athlete is not already a USA Swimming member, you will be able to click on the link to get started with registration.

You will also see whether you as a parent or any team-registered family members are USA Swimming members. Registering as a parent is free and provides the opportunity to connect with no-cost pertinent short classes regarding your swimmer’s sport (such as SafeSport).

You will only need to pay for a USA Membership as a parent when you choose to become an official and register as a non-athlete member.

Family members on the account will receive a confirmation email confirming they have been added.

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